Finding JudasHouse M.D. : Season 3 Episode 9
Finding Judas is a 3rd season episode of House which first aired on November 28, 2006. The team treats a young girl who is the subject of much contention between her divorced parents. When they can't stop arguing, the court makes Cuddy the patient's medical proxy. Cuddy tries to deal with House's Vicodin by giving him regular small doses instead of a floating prescription, and House starts feeling the effects of the reduction. His team believes that his lack of Vicodin is hurting his judgment. Meanwhile, Tritter tries to get one of the team to turn on House, but instead finds help from an unexpected source.
Finding JudasHouse M.D. : Season 3 Episode 9
Fast-forward to Season 2, Episode 5. Mary has stayed in the background for most of this season, quietly going about her business as the male disciples bicker and jockey for power. (Seriously, Simon Peter. Get your act together. :-P) By the fifth episode, though, Mary begins to show signs of strain. She has a disturbing encounter with a Roman soldier, bringing flashbacks of her rape by a Roman years ago. She also witnesses a man in the throes of demonic possession, another painful reminder of her past. The triggers pile up, it becomes too much, and Mary wanders off to a tavern to drink, gamble, and generally drown her sorrows. Cut to black. End of episode.
This has been the most heart wrenching and personal episode in the two seasons for me. I applaud the way Mary of Magdala is portrayed. The only sinless person was Jesus. Even though a person becomes a Christian they do not become sinless.
I-J I Can't Feel My Legs!: Plenty of the patients of the week. Also Chase, after he gets stabbed. Later, he recovers.
Idiot Ball: The reason that patients not hiding a Big Secret fail to provide critical information. A major attack of stupidity prevents them from realizing that a particular fact is relevant to their condition, despite the obvious connection, and being (repeatedly) asked about it by House or his team. Usual patient response, "I didn't think it was important/relevant." This is more common to the secondary clinic patients than the patient of the week. House would argue that any patient willing to die to keep the Big Secret is holding onto the Idiot Ball.
The "Eureka!" Moment in "Last Resort". It sticks out more due to the circumstances.
House himself gets a rare case of the Idiot Ball in "Frozen", resulting in a case being much tougher than it needed to be. Almost all clinic patients we see are examples of this, mirroring House's low opinion of clinic duty.
I Got You a Drawer: Denied with Chase and Cameron.
If Jesus, Then Aliens: Averted with House himself. Like most (non-Hollywood) atheists, he simply doesn't believe in God because he hasn't seen any proof. Played straight with Chase, a former seminarian and the most credulous when it comes to supernatural causes of illnesses.
If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Cuddy's mom to House. In season one, Wilson gives one to Cameron in regards to House.
I Lied: Given the pilot episode is titled "Everybody Lies," it requires a separate page for a comprehensive list. The story arc where House lies to Cuddy about a malaria test finishes with House telling Wilson that to repair their relationship, he lied.
I'm a Humanitarian: The homeless patient in the episode "Fall from Grace" turns out to be a cannibalistic serial killer when his presence in the hospital got through to the FBI, but he remains on the loose. Those weren't animal bones he confessed to have eaten...
Impossibly Awesome Magic Trick: A stage magician manages to pull off some amazing tricks, that impressed and stumped even House himself. One such trick was a simple "pick a card" trick. Then he threw the deck at a window, where a card stuck to the glass. When House took the card and told him it wasn't his card... he found his card, between the two panes of the double-pane glass! If the guy wanted to make a convincing case for "magic is real" then he has certainly done so.
Improbable Antidote: A death row inmate tries to kill himself by drinking several bottles of copier fluid. House sits by the guy's bedside as his condition worsens, and the two of them each down several shots of high-proof rum. Only after a while does House reveal the truth: copier fluid is about 90% methanol, or wood alcohol, and the treatment for that is large amounts of ethanol, or grain alcohol. All those shots he had the guy drinking were slowly curing him.
Improbable Taxonomy Skills: Coupled with his implausible diagnostic skills, House is able to recognize things that entire teams of forensic pathologists couldn't, using either minute samples or none at all; the inevitable explanation is either convoluted and implausible, or else "they were looking in the wrong place."
Induced Hypochondria: How House confirms that a mystery illness is really mass hysteria.
Informed Self-Diagnosis: House himself, as well as Amber. Also the patient of the week in Season 5's "The Greater Good" self-diagnoses her spontaneously collapsed lung.
In Medias Res: See Once a Season. Other examples pop up too (like season 7's "Two Stories").
Innocent Innuendo: House pretends to play this trope straight with Thirteen in one scene of the season 4 episode "Don't Ever Change", but subverts it at the end.House: You do it both ways, right? Thirteen: What? House: The ultrasound, standing up and lying down. What else would I mean? [House pauses; then, as Thirteen starts to leave with the patient, he smiles and winks at her]
In-Series Nickname: Cutthroat Bitch (or CB for short) - Amber.
Thirteen - Remy Hadley.
Big Love - Cole.
Scooter/Bosley/Ridiculously Old Fraud - Henry.
Mini Stud - Taub.
Grumpy - Brennan.
House Lite - Foreman.
The Oncologist Boy Wonder - Wilson.
Overly Enthusiastic Former Foster Kid - Kutner.
Instant Drama, Just Add Tracheotomy: Seen once every episode or so, especially in earlier seasons.
Insufferable Genius: House, and the patient of "The Jerk".
...In That Order: Dr. House says to a female patient he dislikes, "If you're gonna kill me and rape me, please do it in that order."
Intelligence Equals Isolation: A running theme in the show- House is both brilliant and self-isolating. Though he can be charming and charismatic, he finds most people to be moronic, and rarely makes an effort to form relationships. Even his only friend, Wilson, attempts to end their friendship on at least two occasions throughout the course of the show. Martha Masters- She was smart enough to start college at age 16. Unlike House, she strives to make friends but is rejected for being socially awkward. Interestingly, in one episode Cuddy mentions that Masters and House have a combined IQ of over 300 (we can deduce that they each have an IQ of about 150- remarkable considering less than 0.2% of the human population has an IQ score above 145.) Being at that rare a level of intelligence can explain why they have trouble relating to other people.
Intoxication Ensues: "I'm not on antidepressants, I'm on speeeeeeeeeeeed!"
Ironic Echo:Lisa: [to House] I'm gonna do you the biggest favor one doctor can do another. I'm going to stop you from killing your patient. [later] House: [to Lisa] I'm gonna do you the biggest favor one doctor can do another. I'm going to stop you from killing your patient.
It Never Gets Any Easier: Cameron. Also done with Foreman in the Season 3 arc involving his resignation.
Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Parodied in "The Down Low" (which involves a patient and his friend who are drug dealers):House: I need the drugs. Eddie: We're in textiles. House: I NEED THE DRUGS!!! [Beat] Huh. Works for Jack Bauer.
Jerkass: As Wilson puts it in one episode, House has a Rubik's Complex - he doesn't care about the well-being or happiness of his patients, just that he solves the puzzle, and his patients surviving is a happy coincidence, or to quote House verbatim, "I solve puzzles. Saving people is collateral damage." Consider the case in "Informed Consent" - the patient is 71 and flat-out requests that House euthanize him because he doesn't want to live hooked up to machines; instead, House puts him in a coma and carries on working. Eventually, he gets his solution... then Cameron aids in killing the patient because his disease is terminal.
Jerkass Has a Point: House's tendancy to shoot down uninteresting cases and throw out simple solutions is because his department specializes in solving the unsolvable. Hampering them with someone who has an easily diagnosable disease just because they are rich makes the department less able to handle the mysteries that come their way.
Detective Tritter from Season 3, despite being a Jerkass, definitely has a point about how House behaves and that he has a problem with his Vicodin
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In the end, House's patients' lives are his top priority, despite his very rough personality. He also clearly places great value on his friendship with Wilson. In the first season, he lies to a transplant committee, risking his whole career, in order to save his patient. When the patient asks him why he did that, he merely states "you're my patient". Note that despite the contention that he cares only about the puzzle, he'd already solved this case. He knew what was wrong with the patient, and this action was solely about saving her life.
One example of this is an episode where he was able to diagnose a 66-year-old patient before the halfway point, but the patient needed a new heart. His age and risk factor meant there was no chance of getting one through the normal red-tape, so House made a plan to acquire the heart from an overweight lady brain-dead from a car crash whose organs would have been rejected for general use anyway. It ended up a little more complicated than that and House said some very mean and cruel things to the grieving husband ("We're talking about meat") but his goals were to save someone who could be saved because of her.
In the S4 finale House risks his life by undergoing deep-brain stimulation at Wilson't request. ("You want me to risk my life in order to save Amber's? Okay.") This is on the off chance that he can remember anything from the night of the bus accident that might help them diagnose her. He remembers, but the diagnosis is fatal. On the other hand it *does* send him into a violent seizure while still undergoing brain surgery. All this from a man who claims that he doesn't care about anyone.
In the S6 finale he practically risks his life going into the ruins alone and later helping the fireman trying to set the woman she found there free (and to save her leg) even though her case is pretty straightforward. When the patient dies of complications in the ambulance, he becomes extremely upset.
In the series finale House fakes his own death, risking jail time and a lifetime ban on returning to medicine, so that he can be with Wilson, who has terminal cancer, for his last few months.
Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Edward Vogler, the first villain House comes across, appears to be at least somewhat interested in the hospital's (and the patients') interests at first. But we then find out he's merely a patronizing, self-satisfied bastard who's just trying to make money while conning everyone at the hospital into being submissive workers. Fortunately, House wins in the end.
Jesus Was Crazy: House once asked for a differential diagnosis on Jesus, and Martha comes up with schizophrenia. The episode itself was about a patient that was very religious, and House believed that the strong convictions was caused by a medical problem.
Jewish Mother: Cuddy's mom. This would be unremarkable (Cuddy is, after all, Jewish), except that she converted. Enforced Trope?
Jitter Cam: Used abundantly in "Both Sides Now" as a hint that House's mental state is not quite what it seems.
Jumping the Shark: Invoked Literally - at the beginning of "Here Kitty", House built a racetrack in the clinic, put a toy shark under the ramp at the end of the track, and then tried to make a toy car jump the shark. Cuddy caught the car in midair, though, before it reached the shark.