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Salesforce Administration

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Subtitle Harry.Potter.And.The.Goblet.Of.Fire.20... [BETTER]

Each grabber must also provide a data command. The data returned includes items such as title, subtitle, year of release, and other textual metadata. Grabbers written for MythTV .23 or greater should also return image results for coverart, fanart, banners, and screenshots (where available). This command varies slightly depending on whether the script is for TV or Film material. For Television Material, the season and episode numbers are added to the arguments.

subtitle Harry.Potter.And.The.Goblet.Of.Fire.20...

The results can be pretty mixed, but you should see results grouped by whether they have English + Japanese subtitles, just English, or just Japanese. For the example above, I searched for the Japanese musician YUI and found this old, live recording that had both Japanese and English subtitles. 041b061a72


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